Join us for a day filled with delicious sweet treats and an abundance of community fun!

At the Rutland Whoopie Pie Festival, you can enter a competition with other bakers to sell and offer samples of your own whoopie pie recipe.


How it works.

  • Date:  Saturday, September 13, 2025
    • Set up begins at 10:00 AM (all vehicles off the street by 11:30 AM).
    • Festival Ticket Sales begin at 12:00 PM.
  • You will be paid $750 to set up and provide 250 (3-inch or larger) whoopie pies for sampling at your booth. Each whoopie pie should provide a minimum of four samples. Payment will be made on the day of the event.
  • There will be a MANDATORY meeting prior to the event. Day/time TBD
  • All attendees will present a special ticket to receive a sample.
  • You can sell additional whoopie pies and other baked goods.
  • A 10 x 10 ft. tent & space will be provided.
  • You provide all items needed to set up under the tent (tables, linens, serving utensils, etc.).
  • Awards are available for the Overall Best, Most Creative, and People’s Choice Award. Judging will be based on texture, appearance, flavor, and creativity.  Each vendor will be asked to provide 3 whoopie pies, all the same flavor, for the judging contest.
  • The Rutland Whoopie Pie Festival will also have live performances, food trucks, and day-long activities for the whole family.

Please register your team of bakers by completing the form provided below.

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