How many whoopie pies do I bring?

As many as you can! We ask that you bring 250 (minimum 3 inch) whoopie pies, intended to be handed out as samples. Each pie should provide a minimum of 4 samples. You can offer additional samples if you choose. We also suggest bringing whoopie pies for sale. We are anticipating an attendance of around 7,500 people.

When is set up and breakdown?

Set up begins at 10 a.m. and continues until the festival opens to the public and sample ticket sales begin at 12 pm. Please note, all vehicles must be off the street by 11:30 am. The Festival ends at 5 pm.

Where will the Festival be located?

The festival and related activities will take place on Center Street & Merchants Row in downtown Rutland, Vermont.

What licensing do we need?

Contact Rutland City’s Clerk, Tracy Kapusta by email at [email protected] or by phone at 802-773-1800 *236 for licensing questions.

What is provided in our booth space?

We will provide you with a 10×10 tent. You will be responsible for anything else you need including tables, chairs, gloves, napkins, plates, linens, etc.

How does sampling work?

Festival attendees will purchase tickets for sampling. As a baker, collect the ticket and provide the sample. There will be two booths available for attendees to purchase tickets.

Can I sell other items?

Yes! The whoopie pies should be the focus of your booth, but feel free to sell other whoopie pies, baked goods or treats.

When do I get paid?

You will be paid on the day of the festival.

How does award judging work?

The judges will taste all submitted entries. They will not know which baker submitted each whoopie pie. Judging will be based on texture, appearance, flavor and creativity. Awards will be given to the Overall Best and Most Creative. The public will vote on the People’s Choice Award.

What else is going on during the Festival?

There will be family activities, music, street performances, and food trucks.